Our Projects
In 2019 FONSA accompanied the return to Senegal of some 20 vulnerable subjects who were living in Germany and this in collaboration with the IOM. In 2020, FONSA repatriated 28 Senegalese who died in Germany with its own funds. In addition, FONSA’s activities and projects have brought seven people from Senegal to Germany for surgery. FONSA has also accompanied eight young people who were living in Germany and in the end seven opted to return to Senegal. These These young people are now employed in a partner company after having received training on site.Follow us on:
Our Achievements

Voluntary return assistance
Professional reintegration of these youth after their return to Senegal, accompanied by FONSA.

Voluntary return assistance
Professional reintegration of these youth after their return to Senegal, accompanied by FONSA.

Medical assistance
Having come from Senegal, this boy was able to benefit from FONSA’s assistance for his medical care in Germany.

Medical assistance
Having come from Senegal, this boy was able to benefit from FONSA’s assistance for his medical care in Germany.